It’s been a tough year. With so much chaos in the world, it’s been hard to get through each day without feeling some degree of fear, uncertainty and doubt, better known as the FUD factor. Maybe you’ve lost a job, are home schooling your kids, have friends or family members who are ill or quarantined and you just can’t seem to get your happy place back. That’s why I’m so excited to share this resource with you. My friend and colleague, Marilyn Kier, has created a free online video series called Activate Your Joy Muscle: Proven Secrets to Heal Your Heart & Instantly Renew Vibrant Energy. I have a complimentary ticket for you to attend. You can register using this link. Marilyn has gathered a panel of 22 wellness experts including yours truly, doctors, scientists, coaches, movement experts, energy healers and more. Here are just a few of the powerful secrets you’ll learn:
- How to Manifest Everything You Want in Life
- The Seven Secrets of Staying Young
- Restore Vibrant Energy Through the Frequency of Joy
- The Bliss Mistress Guide to Prayer & Connection
- Choosing Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Boost Energy & Improve Wellness
- The Healing Power of Humor
- Self-Care for Peak Performance & Resilience.
- Finding Joy Through Mastering Your Hormones
AND SO MUCH MORE! I’m absolutely delighted to be part of this talented line up of wellness experts. I’ll be speaking about The 7 Secrets of Staying Young. This online video series will provide wellness tips that are easy, quick, fun and best of all 100% FREE. You’ll be able to watch the videos from the comfort of your home or office. If you’re ready to let go of 2020 and Activate Your Joy Muscle for the New Year, click here to register. The joy begins on December 8th.
I’ll see you there!