Ultra Potent Fish Oil Case (12 Bottles)

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Ultra Potent Fish Oil Case (12 Bottles)

Myths and Facts about Omega 3 Fish Oil

Dear Friend,

My name is Dr. Dave Woynarowski MD and I have been around the fish oil scene for over 15 years. I have seen it all, read it all and listened and debated with some of the great minds in the field. I have lectured to doctors all over the world on the topic of Fish Oil and Human Health.

I have seen the industry grow from a small boutique cottage type thing into a virtual juggernaut of human health.
And while you may never have heard of me, you have read my words copied, plagiarized and otherwise all over the internet. I am certain I have had a huge hand in the growth of the fish oil industry.

As you might have guessed there are stories to tell you about what is real and what is lies. What is scientific fact and what is marketing hyperbole. What will actually help you, and what may harm you.

And no matter what you believe or who you listen to understand this:

Having an adequate amount of Omega 3 in your body is the single most important step to a better healthier life that you can take.

Now pull up a chair and let me tell you how it all started!

Way back in 1976 I was getting ready to head off to college. I will never forget the day my dad came home with a big jug of fish oil. He had just read the work of one Dr. Dyerborg who found that the Inuit had very little heart disease even though they ate a high fat diet*

So, my dad, being a family physician, decided to try it for himself. Of course, the rest of the family was enlisted as guinea pigs. Now I have to tell you this stuff was awful. It smelled awful. It gave everyone awful belching fits and lord only knows what else we did not talk about.

Finally, after about 2 weeks I sheepishly admitted to my Dad that I had stopped his precious fish oil!!!

I will never forget how he giggled when he admitted to me that he had lasted exactly 2 days on the stuff!

It turns out I was the only one who persevered and stuck with it that long. Little did I know then that the seeds of my future had been planted. Little did I know that for a significant portion of my adult life I would be named “DR. FISH OIL”.

Little did I know that FISH OIL would literally save my life!!!!

That happened many years later but still a long time ago.

It was the year 2000 during one of the worst flu epidemics I can remember in my area.

All the doctors in my office were working overtime and easily seeing 60+ patients a day. Now remember this was back in the days of private practice long before hospitals owned everyone and insurance company bean counter stood in your doorway to make sure you were “being productive”!

During one of these visits I experienced one of the strangest phenomena of my life.

I was listening to what had to have been the 50th flu patient that day.

Headaches, muscle aches, light headedness, intolerance to light, the list went on and on along with the upper respiratory symptoms. Those I did not have but it seemed like as the very words came out of this gentleman’s mouth I was afflicted with those exact symptoms. I actually had to put my head down I felt so close to passing out.

Somehow, I managed to finish the visit but not before the patient said, “Hey Doc you look worse than I feel!”

I immediately went to be checked out by the nursing staff expecting to have a blood pressure that was bottoming out and causing my light headedness.

I was totally shocked and surprised when my nurse announced my blood pressure was 220/110!!!

That is super high. So high in fact that one of my partners wanted to put me in the hospital for fear of a stroke!

When I left the office that day I became a patient and man did I get my comeuppance!

I started on 2 different blood pressure pills. That did not touch my pressure.

When it was all said and done I wound up on 5 different blood pressure pills plus a water pill and a potassium supplement.
It was all I could do to finish a day of work. Otherwise I just ate and slept, I was so tired from all the pills. That is when I realized what a lot of my patients had been telling me first hand. Prescription drugs have side effects not described in the package inserts.

The fatigue and exhaustion was awful. The worst part of it was my blood pressure was still way to high.

I knew I had to get off these pills or face a life not worth living. But I sure didn’t want to have a stroke in my early 40’s either.
That is when I remembered the beneficial effects of fish oil. At the time, the effects of Omega 3 on blood pressure were not well described but it was worth a shot. I read everything I could find on fish oil and realized that no matter what happened, I was probably Omega 3 deficient. A simple test to define this had not yet been invented but I decided to go “high dose” for a while and see if it helped.

Boy did it*

Eventually I was able to stop all of my blood pressure pills and have never had anything remotely resembling high blood pressure again!

Eventually I was able to stop all of my blood pressure pills and have never had anything remotely resembling high blood pressure again!But all was not roses in fish oil land!  The oil was of low grade and frankly even the “best stuff” caused all kinds of problems with burping and having to take 20 pills a day just to get a decent amount in my blood stream.

That is when I decided the world needed a better fish oil. At the time, I came out with my original Pharmaceutical Grade Formula. Since that time there have been several upgrades and improvements until the product you see now- The Longevity Edge Ultra Potent Fish Oil which is among the purest and most potent products anywhere in the world.

I call it weapons grade fish oil.

Ultra Potent Fish Oil Case (12 Bottles)

The major advantages are 2.

1) It is super potent at 85% minimum content for the absolutely essential oils EPA and DHA

2) It is molecularly distilled to the point of vanishingly small amounts of toxins, so small in fact that a “less than” sign exists in front of many of the measurements.  This means we can’t say “zero” because the instruments do not measure any farther down. So, we can only legally say “less than”!

I believe this product is the absolute pinnacle and culmination of over a decade and a half of research.

Thousands of people have taken this Ultra Potent Fish Oil with enormous benefits and continue to do so.

The best news is that while most Americans and people in Western Society will still require a couple of pills a day (I recommend 4 to 6 caps a day for most people) you don’t need the handfuls I had to take back in the day.

So that is the story of how this came about.You now know everything you need to decide if you are worth the BEST there is. But I have other stories for you about Omega 3’s that I think you should know. These are things I have learned from years in the field.

So here is everything else and more you could want to know about Ultra Potent Fish Oil in a FAQ format:

What is the correct daily dosage of fish oil and how should it be taken?

Answer: The typical dosage is between 4 and 6 capsules a day. This is based on populations based studies invoking what is known as the “Land’s Ratio” after Dr. Bill Lands, the scientist who pioneered the blood tests for Omega 3 and its counterpart Omega 6. The main issue for the correct dosing of Fish oil is NOT body size! It is the amount of the opposing Omega 6 fat you take in your diet.  Examples of foods with very high Omega 6 levels are: Vegetable oils including corn, safflower etc. Avocado has one of the highest single Omega 6 doses around. Most processed foods are loaded with inflammatory Omega 6’s.  While we do need some, we do not need nearly as much as we are getting.

Fish oil is an essential fat and is often absorbed better with food. It is not absolutely necessary to take it with food but if you are prone to things like fish burp or loose bowels this will help a lot

What are the typical Side effects of taking Fish Oil?

Answer: Many people will experience transient or no side effects. The most common stem from the effect of Omega 3’s on the Gastro Intestinal tract. These can include burping, reflux, or loose bowels. This has nothing to do with the freshness of the fish oil. Fish oil is causes the release of some gut hormones that speed up gut transit time to a small degree and some people are more sensitive to these effects than others. In general, it is wise to build up to the recommended doses slowly over a few weeks rather than dive right into to 6 a day if you are not used to it.
In addition, putting fish oil in the freezer often helps to decrease or eliminate these side effects. We use a special proprietary flavoring to reduce unpleasant tastes.

Fish oil can act as a blood thinner. If you are on aspirin or other blood thinners such as coumadin you should consult your doctor about dose and potential interference with your medicine.

If you are scheduled for surgery stop your fish oil 2 weeks prior and do not restart until your doctor has given you permission.

Is it possible to take too much?

Answer: Show me a population of people and I will show you someone who just has to has to has to take too much of something. It is possible to take too much of anything.  If you find your bruise very easily or it takes a long time to stop the bleeding from minor cuts you are taking too much.

That said, there is an easy commercially available Omega 3 blood level test available online from various sources.  It is a good idea to test every now and again to see if you are where you should be.

Isn’t krill better than fish oil?

Answer: Only if you sell krill. There have been no studies on clinical outcomes that show superiority of krill to fish oil. There have even been ad campaigns that have been shut down because of false claims to that effect. The usual argument is that krill is a phospholipid and this is the membrane storage form of Omega 3’s. This is true but it does not mean anything. Omega 3’s go through all kinds of normal and natural conversions in the body to become numerous other important intermediates. To assume that one form is better than the other is to not understand how Fish Oil works in the body. In addition, my testing of some famous krill brands has revealed high levels of arsenic and other heavy metals that are considered toxic. You will almost never see a purity or toxicology report on krill for this reason.

Isn’t krill or natural triglyceride form better than ethyl ester?

Answer: Only if you are selling krill or “natural triglyceride”. Ironically the ethyl ester form of fish oil has been on the market longer than the other forms which are hyped as more natural. Some have even gone so far as to say that the ethyl ester form is not natural and not fish oil. Again, this is pure marketing hype. There is a species of shrimp in the North Atlantic that is harvested for food called Calanus. This species has almost exclusively ester forms of Omega 3 in its “natural” form. It is true that the cleaning and distillation process changes the triglyceride nature of fish oil to the ethyl ester form. This also allows it to be concentrated to stronger doses and cleans out the toxins. What do you want? Lower doses and more toxins or something that is “natural” according to the people that sell it.

The ethyl ester form also the most studied form of fish oil out there in terms of thousands of medical and scientific studies. This is invariably the form of fish oil they are describing in the studies unless they specifically mention otherwise. If I had to guess I would say there are 100X more studies on ethyl ester forms of fish oil than any other including natural triglyceride, phospholipid, or retriglycerided forms. In addition, many of the studies on the less popular forms have to be sponsored by the companies that make them because the scientists have used the ethyl ester form as the gold standard for so long they see no reason to look at the others.

Dr. Dave, I saw on the internet that ethyl ester fish oil melts Styrofoam. Isn’t that bad?!!!

Answer: Only if you regularly consume Styrofoam as part of your diet. Styrofoam is a man-made non-organic material. Any organic oil will melt it including olive oil, lemon oil, oregano oil, Triglyceride Fish oil will generally NOT melt Styrofoam because it is too low in concentration (33% is the most essential fish oil you can get from triglycerides) as opposed to the higher potency ethyl ester. Many triglyceride fish oils have a sizeable amount of Omega 6 in them. That is like driving a car pressing on the gas and the brake at the same time!

Isn’t it true that Fish oil goes rancid in your body?

Answer: If by rancid you mean “oxidized” that happens to any fat in the body. Fish oil is “poly unsaturated” which makes it more susceptible to oxidation in the body. But it’s not like you are going to smell like rotten fish. Many components of the body have to be either recycled or replaced. Essential oils like the EPA and DHA that make up fish oil are essential because you MUST get them from diet- they are not recycled in the body. Thus, when they do “wear out” as they will, the main thing that determines whether you are less healthy is the ability to replace them with non-oxidized fish oil. It’s not like some permanent rust settles into your body that damages it terribly the way some internet marketers have suggested. Just remember to take your fish oil daily and you need never worry about having an adequate supply of non-oxidized or “rancid” fish oil in your body. My fish oil comes in so low on the Toto (total oxidation standard) and the KOH standards that it is at least 4X lower than the standard.
This gives it a minimum shelf life of about 18 -24 months if stored in a cool dry place.

What medical conditions has fish oil helped?

Let me start off with a disclaimer here. The following (or the above!) does not constitute medical advice and should not be interpreted as such. Let me start off with a disclaimer here. The following (or the above!) does not constitute medical advice and should not be interpreted as such.The following conditions have in scientific studies shown to benefit from fish oil.  Medical consensus does not exist for all of them

  • Vascular heart disease
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis both Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis
  • High triglycerides
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Auto Immune disorders
  • Autism
  • Depression
  • Multiple Personality Disorders
  • Dementia both Alzheimer and Vascular
  • Schizophrenia
  • Pregnancy related disorders
  • Irregular Heart Beat
  • Many many more!!!!

What about all the old stuff you wrote where is that?

Answer: I have been writing on this topic for 15 years. I have written over 17,000 emails, 6000 blogs 30 podcasts and numerous interviews on the topic of Omega 3 Fish oil. If you really want to look for it it’s on the WayBack Machine. You will note I have toned down the rhetoric quite a bit these days. This is because the FTC and the FDA have increased their scrutiny of people like me who challenge the traditional medical dogma.

I make the Best Fish oil you can buy. There is none purer, none more meaningfully potent and none better anywhere. I have taken what I make for 15 years.

All the Best in Your Health and Happiness,

Dr. Dave

Weight 7.35 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 12 × 5.25 in


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