Sleep Disruption Accelerates Aging

Todays email for the Huge Holiday Hullabaloo Super Sale focuses on Sweet Sleep Z– my amazing sleep induction sleep preservation formula complete with extra anti-oxidants to help combat the toxins of daily life.

As with everything so far it is hugely discounted!

Now while I am writing this ironically, I should be asleep lol.

Don’t worry about me, I will get there and stay there soon but what about you?

The Holiday season turns out to be surprisingly disruptive and stressful for many people.

Coupled with this stress, the short days, brief periods of daylight and colder weather combine to put many people in a Holiday Tail Spin when it comes to their sleep cycles.

Remember the primary function of sleep time is to allow your body to take out the trash, recycle what it can use and rebuild damaged tissues.  That puts a big load on your body in terms of inflammation control hence the Zeaxanthin added to Sweet Sleep Z.

I know of NO OTHER sleep supplement or drug for that matter that carries this approach.

The other big thing is brain health. Your brain needs time to reestablish connections and make new ones based on everything you experienced that day.

Sweet Sleep Z helps induce sleep (gets you started) and can help keep you there (sleep maintenance).

Don’t forget to factor sleep into your Holiday Plans, and your long-term anti-aging routines.

I can make it easier for you!




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