Hard for ME but Easy for YOU Holidays Sale

When someone asks me what the hardest task I ever completed in supplement design is I answer, “Designing a Multi Vite” without hesitation.

Everyone has a Multi and some are actually quite good.

Then there is the issue of how much of something can be put into a capsule and still leave room for anything else. Finally, there is the question of how to stay competitive on price in such a tight market.

My answer to the design question was to change the rules of the game.  Instead of creating just another Multi-Vite I wanted to create an “Anti-Aging” Multi.

One look at what is in Young Life Daily and you’ll see I succeeded in creating a complete and completely different Multi than anything else out there! Everything you could need and want is in the capsules.

And now, Especially Now we have the price issue nailed to the wall because its our Featured Holiday Sale Item with both the lowest price of the year!

Everyone needs a Multi.  Why not enjoy the best?!  And remember it makes a phenomenal gift for someone you love/like/wanna keep healthy!

Enjoy In Joy!


Dr Dave


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