Emanate Goodnes

Emanate Goodness!!!

Bailey Our Customer Service Rep Updates Us

I got this email from Bailey Martinez our wonderful customer service rep:

Hello All,

My new phone is here and I have downloaded everything needed to get right back to work. So sorry this happened but I am glad to report that when my phone was stolen

I was able to factory reset and all information was erased from it. I am taking the final steps to get my phone set up and will take care of all the missed calls and things that have not been taken care of. Thanks for being patient with me. Please let me know if either of you need anything else done.

Bailey Martinez
Customer Care Manager
The Longevity Edge

SO, if you were trying to get us for the past 72 hours or so you might have been frustrated. I am sorry for this lapse and I am so glad Bailey was able to get rolling quickly. The world has all kinds of people in it and sadly not all of them are honorable.

But if you’ve ever dealt with Bailey you know that honorable is his middle name!

I thought this might be a good time to express my gratitude not only for my customers but for the people I work with who make this job such a pleasure.

You attract what you emanate!

Emanate Goodness!


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