OMG we are well into August already! Is it my imagination or does summer accelerate as it goes along!
A few reminders and updates:
Young Life Daily our exquisite purpose-built Anti-Aging Multi is back in stock for the time being! Again thanks to all of you who were so very patient awaiting its long long backorder.
Ironically, the newest product Immune Boost 2.0 arrived before the multi! It’s a good time to stock up and get ready for pandemics, plandemics panicdemics or whatever is awaiting your immune system! Surely all of that must come, after all its an election year no?!
I was able to reschedule my trip to our lab in Guadalajara so I can complete the final QC on the raw materials on the telomerase activator, Telokynase and I suspect it should be ready to ship from our warehouse here by the end of August if not sooner Again thanks for your patience!!
If you don’t follow our Instagram channel (or my personal channel) you are missing some fun and some more personal stories!
Finally, the book! Ah yes, the book! I am assured it is in its final (3rd edit) approach! The Keto Edge was originally intended to be a simple digital download but it morphed into a full-blown book project that went way overtime and way over budget. I am still planning on getting it into digital format before the end of the month. I am also going to print a few copies soft spiral bound if anyone wants a tangible book and of course I’ll sign it. Sadly, it’s going to be in the $40 range- that is what it costs to print such a book these days. Add in postage and you have a collectable. And no, I will not be making a dime on that format.
The goal was not to make money or I would have rushed that book to the market a long time ago before everyone and their brother was talking keto. That said it’s a phenomenal and personal resource on the whole keto thing and was written for YOU, my readers who understand and want to know how the body and the things we do to it work. Speaking of Keto, we still have a little ketogen in stock if you need to shed a few pounds of fat before summer’s end. Stay tuned!!!
Back to the lab! More tests have been run on the effects of Telokynase and the markers of “stemness”. WE have a pilot batch of nanoparticulate product which we are testing for dosage equivalents to the current product and hush hush, a new Telomerase formulation in testing combining the Telokynase with a newly discovered activator for extra punch. It will be more expensive BUT NOT for those of you who are already on Telokynase with a subscription – we’re grandfathering all our “old” (getting younger) customers in at their original cost. All subscriptions up until we actually receive the new product in will be honored! August already is and will remain a huge month!!!!
As you can see, I am never idle and I never stop testing, learning and creating. Most of all I love what I do!!! I wish you the same!!!
Dr Dave