One of my long-time patients and Vitamin Beta testers had a great phrase to describe my new Brain Force One.
Normally a quiet body building type, this guy caught me completely off guard with his eloquent exclamation, “It’s like being on the Juice, but for your brain!”
He was referring to the old term body builders used to use for steroids.
At first, I didn’t like my product being compared to anabolic steroids!
After all they carry a bad rap.
Back in the day even the skinniest of young men could grow like weeds and experience performance enhancements never before dreamed of.
Then I started to think about it.
Theoretically under ideal circumstances a brain supplement might indeed cause the formation of new nerve tissue. As a matter of fact, in laboratory condition that is exactly what one of the ingredients, Lion’s Mane, does.
But wait, there’s more!
Yet another carefully chosen ingredient, Bacopa Monnieri has shown improvements in memory, speed of processing and cognition. If it were a body building drug instead of a brain building compound that would equate to bigger, stronger, faster and of course, better looking!
Bacopa first came to my attention several years ago when I was asked to review a rather bogus telomerase activator. The premier ingredient was Bacopa extract. Frankly that does not do squat (Oh boy the body building puns just keep on coming!) for telomeres.
But I was really intrigued by the very first studies on how it may affect your brain in a really great way.
Moreover, some studies showed it actually speeds up the clearance of a toxic protein called Beta Amyloid.
Yep that is the same toxin found in Alzheimer’s Disease. Now I would never stray so far as to publicly say a simple supplement, even mine Brain Force One could have an impact on so devastating a disease.
But I do always say it’s important to educate yourself! So, you can go to Pub Med and type in Bacopa and Alzheimer and see what pops up!
Now as far as Brain Force is concerned, the typical daily dose is 2 caps a day. But if you really want “The Juice” try a few days where you take 6 caps either all at once or in 2 divided doses.
Then you’ll see why it sold so fast we had to literally immediately order more.
After all what brain in its right mind wouldn’t want Bigger, Stronger, Faster and Better-Looking LOL!
J Ethnopharmacol. 2014;151(1):528-35. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2013.11.008. Epub 2013 Nov 16.
Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on cognitive effects of Bacopa monnieri extract.
Kongkeaw C1, Dilokthornsakul P2, Thanarangsarit P3, Limpeanchob N3, Norman Scholfield C4.
J Ethnopharmacol. 2014;151(1):528-35. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2013.11.008. Epub 2013 Nov 16.
Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on cognitive effects of Bacopa monnieri extract.
Kongkeaw C1, Dilokthornsakul P2, Thanarangsarit P3, Limpeanchob N3, Norman Scholfield C4.
Cent Nerv Syst Agents Med Chem. 2015;16(1):50-9.
Natural Products based P-glycoprotein Activators for Improved β-amyloid Clearance in Alzheimer’s Disease: An in silico Approach.
Shinde P1, Vidyasagar N, Dhulap S, Dhulap A, Hirwani R.