Were you Tricked or Treated!?

I hope you had a fun Halloween. I spent mine in the great white north with some great people.

Speaking of tricks or treats this past week was really a fun one for me in science because:

1) A huge NIH sponsored study showed a direct correlation between the amount of Omega 3 in the diet and overall death rate. In addition, most of the diseases of aging including cancer heart disease and others declined in a big way directly proportional to the amount of Omega 3 consumed. This on top of the Vascepa trail release which showed marked reduction in heart disease death independent of Big Pharma’s favorite drug class, the statins.

2) Another less touted but equally important article was released in the journal Cell. Cell is the scientists’ science journal and is “high impact”. In this recent issue the term “carbotoxicity” was proposed to explain the health and life span hazards contained in too much refined carbohydrate. Towards the end of the article they authors discuss the value of long-term ketogenic diets on health- a very positive sign.

You may recall my 14 article series on the topic several years back. It’s nice to see its finally hit main stream science. Of interest is the also very positive effect Omega 3’s can have on Carbotoxicity by increasing the uptake of sugar and lowering the need for insulin at the cellular level.

And then there is the Mac Daddy of sugar balancing supplements my SBSF which supports healthy sugar and insulin levels like no other. The human body is truly remarkable and truly adaptable if you give it just a little help.

Consider yourself treated! But beware, the evil minions and mouth pieces of Big Pharma lurk in the shadows waiting to pounce on and trick the unsuspecting or at least the uneducated!


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