Way back in February I posted a spoof on Facebook by Canadian Comedian JB Sears. In it he said summer was cancelled this year. Ironically in a wave of behavior that defies everything we know about viruses there is a supposed resurgence of Covid cases. Blame it on the youth! Hitting the beeches and spreading the virus are apparently hand in glove or is that mask and glove. And while the young are not likely to have any serious issues handling the Corona Virus, they are being made responsible for people at the other end of the spectrum whose immune systems are shot and are getting sick.
The irony is 3-fold. Instead of allowing 96% of the country to function normally we under the guise of “not knowing enough about this virus” sequester everyone when sequestering the 4% would be so much easier and less destructive for all. And somehow this virus thrives now in the South in spite of elevated temperatures that destroy most viruses.
And JB was right! Every attempt is being made to cancel summer!
I also have a sneaking hunch the “openings” are actually planned reprieves based on human behavior. The people that control us or want to know that if it’s pushed too far it will get ugly (ier) so we are “allowed” a brief respite before the next wave of controlled behavior.
That said we are ready with a whole new batch of Covid Wellness Kits -masks, pads and oils so if yours are getting inevitably torn and frayed now would be a great to time to beat the rush. If you already have your kit, we also now have replacement oil available.
For this weekend, and this weekend only, we’re putting the discount back on the Covid kits.
We can all at least anticipate and plan for the shortages to come. And the price increases that seem to be popping up all over the place because of the law of “supply and demand”.
Thus far I have been able to hold the line.
The multi is due to restock any day now so you might want to take advantage of that situation before the next wave of enforced compliance and scarcity.
Finally protecting your telomeres will help protect your immune system from decay. We only have about 100 of them left so its not a lot! The replacement batch has already been ordered, but we’re living in a world of delayed just about everything.
Telokynase is now looking more like the first week in August than the 3rd week in July. I am doing everything I can to keep production as close to schedule as possible.
My newest invention- a revamping of Immune Booster is due in full swing in September- just in time for you know what! Right now we have a handful (literally!) here, so I’m quietly announcing it at the bottom of this email for those of you who read the whole thing. It will be gone today, I guarantee it.
The biggest thing you can do to remain Independent is to stay as healthy as possible through these stressful and uncertain times. The only thing I can promise is I DO know how to help you DO THAT!
And before I wish you a happy Forth (and a belated Happy Canada Day to my friends up north!). allow me to ask you a question:
I have a wealth of knowledge I’d like to put into an info product to avoid at least some of the supply chain issues. The Keto Edge Book is now due the end of July. But there are other things I can teach you especially in terms of fitness and wellness.
What would you like me to teach you in the future?!
I remain – all yours!
Happy Independence Day!!!
Dr Dave
PS – everything, and I mean everything ships free this weekend within the US.