I’m not sure if you remember how directly related to immune function telomere length is. By way of recall from some of the past 10 years or so of my writings, we test telomere length in immune cells for two reasons: They are the prime nucleated cells in the blood stream and we need nuclei to have telomeres. Red Blood cells normally have none.
And secondly the immune system is in my opinion the ultimate arbiter of aging and of course immunity not just by mounting defense against bacteria and viruses, but by channeling appropriate resources into repair- governing repair-ability!
That is what makes telomere health such a seminal topic for your immune health in the current and coming months.
Our standard bearer is the Immortality Edge Packs which we fortunately still have around 100 or so in stock. For reasons I wish I could ascribe to forethought intelligence and wisdom we ordered a lot- enough to weather the storm of the first Covid outbreak. Batch 2 will be just as large and should arrive sometime in October.
Telokynase- the full bore telomerase activator was due in early August but since the borders are closed and I cannot get down to our stem cell lab in Guadalajara to do the final QC on it, it is now forecast for mid-September pending the veracity of the August 25th border opening with Mexico. Frankly the way things are going that is about a 50/50 proposition. Here’s hoping because quite frankly I am personally due for a dose of cells myself!!!
The really good news is that we are mere days away from Young Life Daily being back in stock and begin filling all those backorders for those of you who have been so patiently waiting. I can’t thank you enough! In order not to run into this again we tripled our supply but as always you might want to increase your order based on what looks to be a determined effort to have another Covid Scare This Fall.
The Immune Booster I redeveloped from our prior product should also be here this week but I don’t want to promise anything until its in my hot little hands!!! So, stay tuned for more on that product.
We also still have a small supply of the Covid Wellness kits and hopefully will be able to manufacture more for the late fall predicted flu and Covid outbreaks. If you need a refill on your oils, we have a limited amount available right now.
In the meantime, as always- take care of your telomeres and your immune system!
What a different kind of summer it’s been!
Wishing you and those you love continued health and wellness and blessed freedom!
Dr Dave