What Should You Take Everyday?

The Daily Dose Pack is Back In Stock!

Years ago, I was asked by a customer “What daily vitamins Do YOU Take”? 

I thought about and realized its and excellent question.  What would be the bare minimum I could recommend?

Enter the Daily Dose Pack. Now, like all the products we make the pack has been evolved and changed by following the research. And, like all of The Longevity Edge products it is based on improving your Anti-Aging strategy.

For instance our daily multi vite, part of the Daily Dose Pack is purpose built and unique in its ingredients are like no other multi on the market. That includes the Vegan capsules!

You probably know that our fish oil is the best in the world!

The final ingredient is Toco Q. This is our mitochondrial supplement and includes the unique combination of Co Q and Tocotrienol.  It was such a threat that one other company forced us to change the name so it wouldn’t damage their business! That product contains only one type of Co Q like substance and to my knowledge has not passed beyond Phase 2 human studies.

Recall from the past 10-12 years of emails mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell and directly influence epigenetics ( I mentioned this “breakthrough” a few weeks ago reminding you I told you the same thing back in 2012!).  Ubiquinol or reduced Co Q is the first redox substrate in the mitochondrial energy chain and levels drop with age.  This exposes the mitochondria to more oxidative damage and can facilitate “energy leakage” and inflammation into the cell, the telomeres, and surrounding cells.

This cascade is part of “cellular senescence”- the inflammatory cycle of aging.  You can look for that to be called a scientific breakthrough in 3-5 years when some gifted PhD with a university grant publishes a study on this “revolutionary” concept.

It never ends does it?!

Anyway you can probably see the role for CoQ and Tocotrienol for mitochondrial function, health, preservation and of course, Anti-Aging.

We are all going to age at some rate, may as well do it gracefully  Daily Dose Pack.

Staying Younger, Dr Dave

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