I am deeply engaged in my business. I’m sure you’ve already figured out how passionate I am and how fortunate I feel to be living out my childhood dreams.
In case you forgot the story here it is: When I was in kindergarten my teacher asked the whole class one at a time in round robin fashion, “What do you want to be when you grow up?!”
I had forgotten my answer for a long time then, during one of my business mentoring calls it popped back into my head. I remembered exactly what I said to the point of seeing the 5-year-old me with my 5-year-old voice saying, “I want to be a doctor, a scientist and an inventor!” I also seem to remember a wry smile coming across the teachers face as if to say, “Who is feeding this kid these fantasies?!”
And yet, I have become all those things and more!
I will be the first to admit that I have been called “childlike” by people who know me. Notice I did not say childish but, being a male, I suspect that occasionally goes with the Y chromosome. In point of fact, I would even admit that my innocence, my childlike naiveté (some would call it gullibility) and sometime vulnerability have scarcely been eroded by the slings and arrows of everyday life.
For those who can hang with me I get a collective “Thank God!”
Those who cannot fall away of their own accord to seek less fertile lives they can exert control over.
And so it is that I have a keen eye and ear for the behaviors of others, especially when they have good ideas. In my business, this takes the form of usually one or more people doing or asking the same thing and it resonating with me as “That’s a great idea!”
Just last week I sent you an email detailing the most recent update on my wonderful world beating fish oil entitled “The Problem with Excellence!”. Briefly it reminded both of us, you and me, that this is a special product, unrivaled in its make up because, well, frankly I make it for ME and I am super happy that YOU love it too!
And all this because IT WORKS – not because it has a cult leader hyping an off the shelf white label, a pretty box or a wuh wuh exotic sounding name and label that suggests magic. This actually delivers!!!
And as its true creator, I have improved it over the years. It is now in its 5th iteration!
I am truly and deeply honored by the dedication, understanding and patience of you and my other wonderful customers, many of whom have been with me for almost 20 years! I am also happy to say that the rolling deadline has stopped at the first week of May for us to get it and get it out to you ASAP.
But a funny thing happened.
Instead of what I would have considered the obligatory hate mail or at least the thorough disappointment, people started adding and doubling their existing orders so as not to be burdened by any other stock outs at least in the foreseeable future.
I honestly have to say “That is a great idea”.
Now I could tell you how it improves our capitol outlay and cash flow. I could tell you how it pleases me to know that you understand the value and uniqueness of this creation. I could tell you it’s all I could hope for- for you to have your life improved the way it has improved mine. And I could tell you what you already know – I am a little embarrassed and shy at the dedication you have shown.
All of that is real.
I am pretty sure you have to know by now that I am an Empath and have a decent spread of those genuine characteristics (Emotional Empathy, Carrier, Geyser, but not a shred of co-dependency!) with all the benefits and draw backs that come thereof.
But the great idea has one more part.
I am staring at the absolute last bottle of my personal stock of fish oil and it is far from full. I’m certain I’m not alone in this. If the bottle caps (by the way we had to settle for white instead of the usual black!) are done on time I should just about have enough to parse it out until then.
And so, I am wishing I had and promise you I will double and triple my personal stock.
A little more embarrassment when the owner of the company has to decide if to do without rather than settling for a lesser brand to fill the gap- but Hey! We are all in this together. I will never settle for a lesser.
We have tripled our order to meet the unending demand of EVERYONE!
Again, you honor me more than I ever could ask for and I honor your great idea.
It’s a great idea to increase your own personal stock and cover the potential unforeseeable future!
Genuinely Impressed and Grateful!
Dr Dave
PS In case you are wondering I do get occasional hate mail and criticism. But over the years I have internalized 2 old quotes that allow me to smile in the face of same.
“What you Think of ME is None of My Business” a book from the early 80’s by Terry Cole-Whittaker
“Half the World wakes up expecting to be pissed off- Don’t disappoint Them!” Dan Kennedy
Fortunately for me I piss off far fewer people than half the world- must be my childlike innocence!
I am so great full I got to her you seal & meet you at the conference. I would nothing if I don’t take your omegas. Thank you for caring & sharing what you have learned I wouldn’t be the new me without you !
You taught me fish oil didn’t have to taste bad and the help my mood & hot flashes 🤩
Love & peace from
Terri from Texas