
Chasing the wrong rabbit – why cholesterol levels are just a distraction

There is a 30 billion dollar industry supporting the use of statins for both primary prevention and secondary prevention (after the fact) of heart attacks.  Similarly, hundreds of millions in studies have been spent to “justify the use of statins”.  The JUPITER study is the most recent.  I have already commented on my expectation that […]

Chasing the wrong rabbit – why cholesterol levels are just a distraction Read More »

Why telomeres are not the new cholesterol – YET!

I have been seeing this headline circulating a lot lately – “Telomeres are the new cholesterol”. I actually know where it came from and the people who are responsible for its creation and circulation. These people are very smart and well meaning.  But in their attempts to educate the public as to the very real

Why telomeres are not the new cholesterol – YET! Read More »

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