The Sky Is Falling

I have watched with interest some developments that have become more and more common place over the past few months.

First an easy one:  The use of Plant based as a sales term.  The other day it showed up on my citronella incense.  I guess this is a throwback to the days when “cow dung” was perfumed to make incense.  Or that was the rumor of course.

Next a bit more serious: It’s now in fashion to mock the handling of cov   id.  Of course, there are still consequences but it would seem people are now emboldened.  You may have missed my commentary on all this dating back to February of 2020.  I took a lot of abuse and many people unsubscribed but now all of a sudden everything I said seems true.  I will resist the idiotic use of a personal pronoun to describe “my truth” and simply say it was the truth! Its most interesting now no one that said goodbye has come back and no one who hurled insults has apologized.

I should of course expect that in the new normal and to be truthful I would have been shocked if anyone would have bothered, almost as shocked as someone who might have paused and asked questions politely since I have what was at least previously regarded as expertise in all the relevant fields.  Not the least of which was extensive experience at taking care of sick, dead (yes, the families still need care!) and dying people unlike mathematicians who use hubris and numbers to predict your future.

Along those lines all those wrong mathematical models remain as testimonial to “my truth”.

Finally, while the media reportedly still lies (the collapsed Titan episode being the most recent example but wait maybe that was taken out of context- where are the fact checkers now?!) without any accountability, there does seem to be a shift towards questioning the mental status of our leadership.

Fortunately, there are no mercenary groups to suddenly shake hands and disappear with pardons.  Yeah, that story makes perfect sense,

So why bring all this up now… After all its water under the bridge and just because someone knew it years ago people have short memories and frankly don’t seem to care how much BS is in the air.  After all you can still wear a mask!

Here’s why!

Because while you are being hooked by clever marketing, fancy names, inferior products, and yes far shore stuff that looks like it’s from here, I am not changing anything.

For better or worse I live and die by the sword of real knowledge and real honestly and yes occasionally really offending people who think they are being objective and logical. There is no more important place for this than the products you put in your body.  There is no more important place for this than the research that goes into those products. And when you can’t get them ANYWHERE else, given everything written above, you might want to see the truth and do something about it at least for yourself and the ones you love.

When the laws of the universe are violated nothing good can happen.  Start with yourself and then worry about the rest of the so-called hell in a handbasket world.

And while you’re at it ask the most important question about what is happening around you.  Who fuxxkin’ said it was the New Normal and why do YOU have to tolerate it?

Why the same people who told and still tell you the sky is falling of course!

Fighting to the end which hopefully will be sweet and not bitter.

Your Dr Dave.

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