I have written a lot about broccoli and its related Brassica family. Broccoli has long held true “Super Food” status. Unlike some other highly touted foods, it actually has a fairly balanced ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids (although it is extremely low in both) and contains Sulforaphane and Indole 3 Carbinol.
Thanks to the emerging study of how food affects our epigenetics, we know, right down to a sub cellular level, how nutrients like this fight cancer and promote health.
Well, now, thanks to the same type of studies, it has been found that high nitrate foods (not to be confused with nitrite, which is cured meats!) can actually promote muscle strength and health.
It turns out, Popeye may have been right after all: Spinach really may increase your muscle strength. Other high nitrate vegetables include chard, beet root, and certain types of lettuce.
How much do you need? Scientists found that 200 to 300 grams of spinach (about 10 ounces a day) or 3 beet roots would do the trick. The mechanisms, by which spinach increases strength, seem to have to do with protein synthesis and calcium metabolism by muscle.
What I find particularly cool and interesting is that you can add this to your broccoli consumption for completely different effects from each vegetable. So, we know that at least these two seem to have serious health and anti-aging benefits.
As more and more foods are studied from the epigenetic standpoint, I am certain a lot of myths will be debunked and a lot of old wives’ tales proven true!
Stay tuned and I will keep you posted on foods, supplements, behaviors and lifestyle habits you need to know about to stay as young as possible.
Dr Dave