Don’t Miss This! COVID-19 & Fish Oil

I just found out some incredible information about how Omega 3 fish oil may be very beneficial in the treatment of the current COVID pandemic.

I guess I should not be surprised but I didn’t see this coming.

I am writing that more detailed email as you’re reading this but it’s pretty sciencey and I need to make sure I explain it clearly and in uncomplicated terms. That is what is taking me a bit of time.

In the meantime, I do want to update you on the fish oil stock. We are down to 300 bottles as of yesterday morning. As usual we are putting a bunch away for continuity/subscription.

We did order more just prior to the pandemic thank goodness, but it’s a 12-week lag time for production especially since we require a special sized capsule to get the whole 1 gram into the dose. That means end of May for the next batch!

Now if you think 300 bottles sounds like a lot I understand. But you must remember I have been the “King of Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil” since 2002. Trust me 300 bottles is NOT a lot and at the current rate and figuring the continuity/subscription customers its down right next to nothing.

The demand for this product has been understandably higher than expected since the COVID panicdemic occurred. But it IS ONE OF the BEST THINGS you can do for your body next to Telokynase which is now gone!!!

At the current rate of sales, our fish oil will be gone in less than a week. Again, if you are on continuity you are safe. If not NOW is the Time to ACT.

Finally, we still have some of the amazing Immortality Edge Packs on super sale buy 2 get one free. If you didn’t (or even if you did) grab some Telokynase while we had it, this is a really good one to plug the holes!

Thanks so much for your understanding and patience. I did not see any of this coming and I am honored to have ALL my friends, clients and customers support during these difficult times.

Thank you for inspiring me to continue to create, stay strong and serve.


Dr Dave

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