calorie restriction

Is Aging Unstoppable – Baby steps come first!

Arguments continue among the best and brightest scientists concerning the question: Is aging unstoppable. If you think about it, that question has already been answered in a functional way. There are several mammalian cell lines that have been made “immortal” simply by turning on telomerase and expressing it at a higher level than normal.  Most

Is Aging Unstoppable – Baby steps come first! Read More »

Life without Twinkies – Calorie restriction and Telomerase

Bottom line of this whole blog:  Supplemental Telomerase Activation is Required for increases in Longevity whether you calorie restrict or not. There are probably three or four studies now that show one simple irrefutable fact: you must turn on and increase telomerase expression to improve longevity. Most of them have come from Maria Blasco’s lab in

Life without Twinkies – Calorie restriction and Telomerase Read More »

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