
A Metabolic Interlude – The thinking behind the Ketogenic Diet

Long ago and far away a man named Otto Warburg hypothesized that cancer was a metabolic disease. In his view it was a defect in mitochondrial respiration. The politics of the world and of science eventually led to Warburg’s theories taking a back seat and a new theory of cancer took hold. The strongest voice […]

A Metabolic Interlude – The thinking behind the Ketogenic Diet Read More »

TA-65, Telomeres and Cancer, Yet Again

I am not sure how many times I’ve said that longer telomeres protect against cancer. Probably almost as many times as I’ve had to refute someone saying “telomerase causes cancer therefore TA-65 might cause cancer.” Back in December 2010 JAMA a very drug centric Big Pharma supported journal published a study that associated short telomere

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The cancer doctors were wrong about telomerase activators and antioxidants!

I can’t tell you how many times I heard this from cancer doctors (oncologists): “Don’t give my patients antioxidants; you’ll blunt the effect of the chemo and help the cancer!” I always found it ironic that, before the cancer occurred and after they had done whatever they did, which in many cases did not save

The cancer doctors were wrong about telomerase activators and antioxidants! Read More »

Short telomeres are associated with decreased cancer survival

At the end of 2010, one of my least favorite journals, JAMA, published a very important and surprisingly forward-thinking (for them) article on telomere length and cancer.  The study was a large Meta-analysis of telomere length and the likelihood of getting cancer. People were divided into “quartiles” according to telomere length. Basically, this means there

Short telomeres are associated with decreased cancer survival Read More »

Aging fat as a cause for diabetes – the role of short telomeres

Over the past couple of days, I have dug pretty deep into the metabolic associations between obesity, diabetes, and short telomeres. The end result is of course, accelerated aging. But, more and more I have to tell you, I think aging is the real cause, or at least a major contributing factor to many of

Aging fat as a cause for diabetes – the role of short telomeres Read More »

Is Aging Unstoppable – Baby steps come first!

Arguments continue among the best and brightest scientists concerning the question: Is aging unstoppable. If you think about it, that question has already been answered in a functional way. There are several mammalian cell lines that have been made “immortal” simply by turning on telomerase and expressing it at a higher level than normal.  Most

Is Aging Unstoppable – Baby steps come first! Read More »

Telomere maintenance – We who are about to die Salute You

In my most recent blog, The Monster is Not Born Immortal, I discussed in real time the results of Dr Maria Blasco’s most recent paper using both telomerase over expression and Calorie Restriction. As usual, I got a bevy of comments, many of which were nasty grams and did not get published for that reason,

Telomere maintenance – We who are about to die Salute You Read More »

The monster is not born immortal: When telomerase drives cancer

A recent German study has found an association between familial and non familial malignant melanoma and the telomerase gene.  I think we should talk about this because it shows where the seemingly unending association with telomerase and cancer came/comes from. First concept: Cancer cells are not normal. They are the result not only of loss

The monster is not born immortal: When telomerase drives cancer Read More »

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