How do telomeres protect the ends of the chromosome?

Telomeres protect the genetic information by multiple methods. First, as cited below, DNA polymerase cannot replicate the ends of the chromosome. DNA polymerase is actually “too large” to stay on the single-stranded overhang of DNA that is left and literally falls off the end of the chromosome. There are biochemical and electromagnetic reasons it separates.  …

How do telomeres protect the ends of the chromosome? Read More »

Your DNA’s “Junk” is the Key to Immortality

Telomeres junk?   Not long ago some of the brightest minds on earth believed telomeres were nothing more than junk whose sole purpose was to protect the treasure — your DNA.   It turns out that junk IS the treasure.  Without it there is no life.  Many of those great minds may pretend they “knew it all …

Your DNA’s “Junk” is the Key to Immortality Read More »

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